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Jewels Jade was laying on my couch, bored out of her mind all by herself at home. She watched some free adult streaming videos and these while watching these free adult streaming videos an idea crossed her mind. She took of all her clothes and laid herself on the carpet and bent down so the tip a vibe as her was clit vibrating away. The sensation was amazing!! She was soon screaming and she had not even orgasmed yet, it just vibrated and vibrated and sucked and sucked, the cum just started spilling out of her hot vagina and going all over her inner thighs. It was so large and hard it took awhile to get it all in, but she was so wet and it vibrated so fucking hard that she just kept cumming and cumming until it was slipping right in. She started ramming herself against it as hard she could, faster and faster and harder and harder, until she was screaming so loud. Eventually she came one last time in that position.

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