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AngelMadness loves watching home made videos tube. It just makes her very horny and she can’t stand but feel herself inside. She starts off by looking at some bideos, usually anal sex seems to get her started. Once she feels her clit harden, she takes her index finger and slowly begin to stroke it. Then takes out her bullet vibe, place it directly on her clit, and start off on slow. As the vibe hums against her clit, she can feel it pulse — kind of like her heart beating. Thud-thud, thud-thud…Then she leans back in her chair and move the vibe around, until she hits what she calls the “sweet spot.” This is the spot on her clit that, when she puts the vibe against it, the throbbing really begins. She then lays back, and roughly pinch her nipples. Slowly, the pressure against her clit begins to build until she suddenly feel her insides cringe and a release of fluid against her thighs.

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